How We Speak Can Influence the Way Think and Vise Versa

I just thought it was so interesting watching the video below and thinking about this because sometimes the way you think about saying things to other people can impact your concepts of things on life, your perceptions, or perspectives on things, especially if you have another language that you’re speaking. The perspective that we have on life as human beings entirely depends on how we describe what’s around us and what we can define as important to us. With thousands of different languages that we have developed since humanity started, there are so many different ways of viewing life and so much diversity of surroundings, experiences, and cultures. There’s no one way of telling the human story and I think it’s interesting that multilingual speakers and people that learn new languages develop the capacity to have different viewpoints and actually change their paradigms or perceptions of certain things by adapting a new way of speaking or living in another culture. And it’s also important to realize that everyone is unique in a way that you can’t always see and so you should respect people for where they come from, how they do things, and their beliefs if they are different from you. I think learning a language helps to be more open minded and certainly learning how to understand other people viewpoints is one of the most valuable things we can do as humans because we advance our personal experience and can gain insight on how we can adapt a better way of living life. I don’t think many people who see this will go this far but if you’re interested in humanism as I am and want to know about more stuff that’s similar to this, I suggest reading Holocaust survivors’ stories including books like Night by Elie Wiesel or Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. I guess psychology is another main concept in all of these things too which is pretty interesting to me.

Here’s some articles with some more interesting stuff in linguistics and such:

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