Being Creative, Using Imagination

Not long ago, I was reading a page in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey where the importance of using our whole brain and embracing creativity in our right brain was emphasized and Covey explained how frequently used and dominant our left brain is. I just thought it was interesting how in my life and many lives of people I know, that is so true and we often overuse analysis, logic, and stuff like that and forget how to slow down and enjoy the thoughtful, imaginative, and physical aspects as a person.

Lately, the biggest skill I feel like I’ve not been doing enough of is physically being creative and just making and feelings things and learning with all the senses. If I could have some sort of workshop or camp or projects or even just plain interactions where I could use my hands and body and combine that with my mind to do things, I feel like I could bridge the gap between my ideas and my creations/completions and make that connection stronger. When I think back to experiences that make me feel the happiest and fulfilled, they aren’t juts pure social, pure hard work, pure achievement academically, or anything like that. They were a combination of areas of my life I considered important with the ability to use my senses to feel like I was using my full capabilities and making the most of myself in multiple ways.

Activities where I was actually doing something where I could see its impact and could feel like I was doing something real and meaningful hit the spot and produce such a nice feeling. So being able to learn with things that are direct, feasible and in a way that engages the senses helps to build that side of me that allows me to express my creativity and wonder and that in turn leads to experiences that feel so meaningful and wholesome and are fulfilling.

What do you think helps you to learn in a different way and build your other side?

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