Overdependence on Technology

via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYVQ9e_dbyU     and   Earth In Mind by David W. Orr

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If you are reading this blog post right now, you are using technology to do so. Every day, nearly everything we do uses technology. In order to use the bathroom, cook our breakfast, keep in touch with others and get to work or school, we must use some sort of technological advancement. We need electrical power to live our lives. And although this is a lot better than living like our ancestor’s thousands of years ago, the system we rely on is extremely vulnerable to breaking down and malfunctioning.

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Capitalism and our interdependence on large companies selling us our every need to function is the heart of the problem. Money is the only thing you need in the ‘modern world’ to survive. As long as you have money, you can purchase things and use them, you don’t need to learn how to do hardly anything on your own. Very few people know how to sew their own clothes, use tools, fix their own car, or build something themselves. Very few people have the knowledge to live independently and sustainably without having some sort of resources or technology to help them. And as the natural environment and knowledge of traditional methods and cultures are being depleted, it is becoming more difficult to practice living sustainably.

If a catastrophe such as a terrorist attack or massive solar flare were to happen, there would be very few people who would know what to do and still be able to live.

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To prevent the possibility of this happening, we need to change. We need to make it easier to live sustainably and retain the culture of the and knowledge of the past. We need to educate people more about living off the land and using clean energy sources rather than polluting the environment.  Most of all, we need to come up with more creative ways to live better than we are now.


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